Baseless Conflict for Temporary Gain


As we've seen with every U.S. president dating back to when the country started fighting "the war on terrorism," most of them are unnecessary and lead to bigger conflicts that we can handle. The U.S. wraps itself in these conflicts because of problems that don't exist leading to full-scale wars. Exhibit A is the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq due to their claims of the presence of weapons of mass destruction in the country. The involvement of the press played a huge role, especially on cable news, where propaganda was more popular than just reporting facts. Fox News, owned by Rupert Murdoch who was a strong war supporter, in a way rebranded the network shortly after the invasion garnering support for the invasion among the channel's average of 2 million viewers in prime time. The more liberal channels followed suit with shows like Countdown: Iraq depicting similar pro-war symbolism. They even fired anti-war commentator Michael Savage for his opposition to the invasion. This goes to show that even in the midst of cable news bias wars, the two sides were able to  cohesively amplify the voices of the government to promote support for the invasion. As we saw in Collateral Murder, the Wikileaks documentary about the of innocent civilians killed in Iraq in 2007, including famed war photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, the consequences are catastrophic.

Based on what was seen in the documentary the actions of the press in some way or another led to the killing of the innocent members of their fellow memebers and Afghani citizens who were unarmed. I find it ironic that a member of the press, the person who is supposed to be aiding the government in their propaganda, was killed by their own proprietors. This proves that the government clearly doesn't care for the people that are helping them in their effort, but neither does the press. I believe that everything leads back to money, racism, or power and in this case it leads back to all three. For the press there is an incentive because the more views they receive the higher their profit is and its also about being #1. For future wars, I hope to see that the press never again propogates such a baseless conflict for temporary gain and it is up to our generation as journalists to make that happen.

Namir Noor-Eldeen


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