Frederick Douglas

During the second EOTO presentations, Frederick Douglas stood out to me the most because I saw a lot of myself in him. He was self-determined, stood for causes that disenfranchised identities that weren't his, and he made an impression on the world by being innovative. His hard work earned him the noblest positions in the country having worked with five presidents in six different roles during his life. The first being Abraham Lincoln who Douglas convinced should let black men serve in the Union army. This was unheard of for any other black person during that time, and even for decades after. This made me wonder how much of a rhetorical communicator was he to convince multiple presidents of the United States to work for them. Frederick Douglas was a trailblazer of his time and certainly someone I would like to embody. Some life experiences that earned Douglas the distinction of one of the greatest civil rights leaders ever began with him escaping slavery from near my hometown in...